Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Episode 169: Worth Reading - Alcoholics Anonymous
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
New Series Announcement! I'm super excited to start a new series this month - Worth Reading. The 4th week of every month this year we will discuss or explore a book that had significant impact in my own recovery journey. We will start today with Alcoholics Anonymous - Big Book.
In this episode I discuss my love for reading and why reading has always meant so much to me. Then we explore the history of the Big Book and how it paved the way for so many of the recovery resources available today. Last, I go chapter by chapter and share with you some of my favorite quotes and how they impacted my recovery.
What books have impacted your recovery?
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Episode 168: Intent and Impact
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
One of the questions people consistently ask me is about the ONE THING that made the difference in my recovery. That is an impossible question to answer, of course. And I give my best attempt in this episode. Let me share with you part of my journey to self-awareness.
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Episode 167: Women's Stories Series - Lisa
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Continuing my work to get more and more women's recovery stories out there - que Lisa. She is amazing. I was truly inspired by her compassion and empathy towards those she encountered on her road to recovery. I am honored to bring her story to you. Remember, when we share our story or hear the stories of others, a new piece in our own life heals. That was definitely the case with Lisa. I'm forever grateful for her willingness to share so much with us!
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Episode 166: Loving Yourself Through the Process
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
Wednesday Jan 06, 2021
2020 was not my best year. While I learned a lot and had some great opportunities and wins, there were many things that didn't happen. I'm calling it the year of false starts. It took a toll on me and on Worth Recovery. However, I'm doing the work to change that. In this episode I discuss how shame and guilt have kept me frozen and not moving forward and how learning to love myself through the process has been the most rewarding.
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Episode 165: Women's Stories Series: Kristal
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
What an amazing opportunity to have Kristal Garcia on the podcast! I was inspired by her radical self-love and forgiveness. I was challenged by her confidence and boldness. I was changed by her story. Every time I hear the story of another woman, a little piece of my heart heals. That was definitely the case here.
You can read about Kristal and hear here stories here: https://www.kristaldenisegarcia.com/
The video that inspired me that I cite on the episode is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUPLBdWyHL8
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Episode 164: Tending to Our Emotions
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Emotions. They are beautiful and make us human AND they are difficult and can make us fearful. In this episode I share with you a recent problem I had with tending to my own emotions. I hope you take some time today and tend to your emotions.
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Episode 163: Women's Stories Series - Rosario
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
I love having guests on the podcast. I love it even more when they are women sharing their own recovery journey. Rosario is a brave young woman sharing her battle with sex and love addiction. She discusses her struggle with religion and relationships. She shares how bad it got and what made it better. She talks about how self-compassion is the way she started to find healing and what her recovery looks like today.
I'm on a journey to share as many women's stories as I can during the rest of 2020! Do you want to share your story? It doesn't matter where you are in your recovery journey - at the beginning or many years in - your story is important and can make a huge difference for people. I'd love to have you on the podcast! Reach out! amy@worthrecovery.com and let's make it happen!
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Episode 162: The Connection Crisis
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Connection is such a necessary part of life. Yet, for so many reasons it feels scary and unsafe. With everything else going on the world right now - pandemics, civil unrest, social distancing, protests, etc. - connection is every more essential than ever.
Try this Ted Talk by Johann Hari
Or this one by Brene Brown
In this episode I discuss why we need connection and the offer four invitations for you to connect.
1. Worth Recovery Women's Stories Series
2. The Worth Circle - online FaceBook support group
4. Call and connect with me - go to the Recovery Coaching page and schedule a call with me. I'd love to connect, even if you're not interested in coaching.
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Episode 161: Privilege, Pandemic & Pacing
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
There is a whole lot going on right now. As we grasp for information we don't have a whole lot of expectations are being put on us and how we should be responding to this pandemic. Truth is we're living in unprecedented times. Times that have never before been experienced by anyone currently alive. It's important, now more than ever, that we truly understand ourselves, our position, and our pace. I burnt out quickly the first few weeks of quarantine and was a mess by week 3. In this episode, I share some of the thinking that helped me pull myself together again. I hope it's helpful for you. And a reminder: Always stay kind.
Poem referred to in the episode: https://www.oprahmag.com/entertainment/a31747557/and-the-people-stayed-home-poem-kitty-omeara-interview/
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html
I’d love to connect with you! If you want to talk about coaching, the worth circle, online sex addiction groups – OR if you just want to talk to someone who gets it – schedule a time with me here: https://worthrecovery.com/recovery-coaching/
Interested in learning more about the Worth Circle? Awesome, I’d love to tell you. You can either schedule a time to talk to me above or check out the website with more information here: https://worthrecovery.com/worthcircle/
Want to join my sex addiction groups for women starting in May, 2020? I’d love to have you! You can email me, schedule a time to talk or read more here: https://www.healingpathsrecovery.com/events/
You can always email me: amy@worthrecovery.com
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Episode 160: Women's Stories - The Grace Spot
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Alice Taylor is the author of "Restored: A Women's Guide to Overcoming Pornography", a book full of amazing, practical tools to help you in your recovery. She generously agreed to share her story with us as part of our Women's Stories series. I'm grateful for her courage.
You can read more about her story and order Restored at her website: https://thegracespot.com/
I’d love to connect with you! If you want to talk about coaching, the worth circle, online sex addiction groups – OR if you just want to talk to someone who gets it – schedule a time with me here: https://worthrecovery.com/recovery-coaching/
Interested in learning more about the Worth Circle? Awesome, I’d love to tell you. You can either schedule a time to talk to me above or check out the website with more information here: https://worthrecovery.com/worthcircle/
Want to join my sex addiction groups for women starting in May, 2020? I’d love to have you! You can email me, schedule a time to talk or read more here: https://www.healingpathsrecovery.com/events/
You can always email me: amy@worthrecovery.com